Fragrant Roses |
Fragrant Roses
The morning awoke with the scent of roses,
tense tingling in the air.
Sunshine warms my skin,
if it dares my favorite today?
Dreams, how to give way to clouds
kidnap me into the fantasy realm.
King of the night, hold me tight, keep me warm,
because today I lie in my sweethearts arms.
As sparkling Champagne the blood flows into my heart.
Love is like a song of happiness and pain.
The melody of longing sends my soul to travel,
seeking your presence, will prove my love.
Fear constricts the throat to me, takes my breath to think.
Will I regret it's not mine to give you confidence?
Heart, watch out, you have to care.
So that your dream makes you any grief.
Written for my daughter Janina
Copyright © 1997 by Petra Heierhoff