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My Photos - The World of Animals
Animals have always been my life. Earlier, when my children were still in the house, had each his own pet. To give them the responsibility for a living, I saw it as an important educational role. But we should not forget the wild animals since they are often fascinating and graceful than any pet. Unfortunately, their beauty is often overlooked.
Who has learned the responsibility to respect animals as living creatures, knows also transfer this to humans
Araneus - disturbed sleep atAroz - I am a bullyCaterpillar - Soon I'm beautifulEagle - Who is courageousFamily PartyGipsy - Oops, where I'mGipsy and Paddy - We are oneNinja - My basketNinja - The QueenOscar - The KingOscar - The star of the AquariumOscars Lady with BabysOwl - Look not soSnowy owl - I'm prettySpider - This is my networkStrolch - I'm waiting for my giftVulture - What you gugstVulture- Is there still some A spider in the construction of its network, ants in their work, a prey to the turn out. These are images that are often overlooked.